Acts: The explosive story of the Church

Acts: The explosive story of the Church

Resonate kicked off this semester by diving in the book of Acts. Each week we have been looking at the early church and the explosion of the Gospel that occurred.  Acts 1 8

Week 1 we looked at the mission that Jesus gave His disciples found in Acts 1:8, “Be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Jesus not only gives us that mission but He gives us the power to do it through the Holy Spirit.Acts two sides to the cross

Week 2 was an investigation of Peter’s 1st sermon.  Peter gets straight to the point.  Our sin crucified Jesus.  A greater awareness of the Gospel starts with a greater awareness of our sin. We can’t fully understand the magnitude of God’s grace until we understand the magnitude of our own sin and the fact that it killed the Son of God.  We killed the one who came to rescue us.  Peter closes his sermon with a call to repentance and over 3,000 were add to the church that day.Acts measure of belief

Last night we looked at how our life parallels the life of the lame beggar in chapter 3. He was physically broken. We are spiritually broken.  We both look to the world to meet our needs, but they never do and never will satisfy. He was healed in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene. Jesus offers us spiritual healing through a relationship with Him by grace through faith. (Eph. 2:8-9) His life pointed people to Jesus. Our lives are to point people to Jesus.

Pray for our students and leaders as we walk through the book of Acts. It is our prayer that we would see an explosion of the Gospel in our community and around the world.

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